Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy-go-fucking-lucky McPositive and the Law Degree

SO now, at last, I officially have some vague letters after my name, denoting my learnedness in law (*stifle laughter*). Ladies and Gentlemen, please say hello to Conor B. C. Darrall, LL.B.

Thank you.

The day was the longest in a long long time. I had to get up at 3.30 am in time to get ready and drive from Derry to Dublin. Then after 19 coffees, being dressed in wizard's robes (which felt simultaneously bitchin', thrash, gnarly and awesome to wear) organising photos and saying hi to friends, we were all led into a massive hall, spoken to in Latin for about an hour, then called up to receive our catskins sheepskins. Sparky (Mark) my flatmate was there, and he received the highest mark in the class, I am very proud of him. My folks were there, looking cool and everything, and after the ceremony we got to hang around and chat to each other, and catch up with friends we hadn't seen in a half-year.


Then the boozing. Wine for breakfast...followed by a day of drinking cosmopolitans and whiskey...for almost 18 hours.

We went on a MONUMENTAL bender, drinking in a few bars until going clubbing (still tux'd) until about 5 or 6 when I stumbled back to my hotel to greet the night. I had to get up at 10 this morning to drive back to Derry with the parents. Needless to say, I'm still feeling quite rough...

I'd been convinced that I didn't miss Trinity, or Dublin, but being back yesterday really made me glad that I'd gone there and met the people and friends I've been lucky enough to know.

So, now I'm happy, and with things going well and having a great time with the someone who I've 'kinda sorta started seeing' (she's great; smart kind and beautiful, but I'm not going to talk about her here at the moment) it's really hard to be in a bad mood.

I'm flying back to London tomorrow, then I'm going to sleep for a month.

Here are a few wee photos of the day:

Maw, Paw and I

Home-Blondie, my best friend.

Me and Spark, the flatmate. Ever increasing the persistent rumours that we're a couple.

Very very drunk at 4am in Envy Nightclub, Dublin.

Oh also, with another friend of mine (Home-Blondie and Sparkie were with me when we lived in the USA for a year, as was --) Cíara, and other friends, we had tapas before we went out. Lady GeeGaw and I (and GG's boyf, Nick, who is a cool ginger guy with dreadlocks) made a video on Grafton Street for my blog, this blog.

They are awesome, such good sports.

My camera skills are not, but here we go:

Anyway, hope you're all well.

(ps - interesting fact about Trinity College Dublin. Only women wear mortarboard caps on the day of their graduation, the reason being because it is supposedly symbolic of the degree being a 'cap on their education', meaning they could traditionally rise no higher than an undergraduate degree. Problem with this theory is that our class was 85% female, and of the 14 people who got First class honours degrees, the was only one male amongst them -Sparky...take that chauvinism!!)


  1. Well make that 4 then. Ha! Nice video but I was expecting a bigger performance from you...do you think you could redo it? Congratulations on your lettering, Conor B. C. Darrall, LL.B!!! :)

  2. Redo it? The degree or the video?

    Can't I'm afraid, the logistics of either is frankly overwhelming!

    Thanks btw - :)

  3. Congrats!

    Now the bad news...once you have a law degree in hand, people actually expect you to be smart ALL THE TIME!

    So you just have to be stupid in private and do me a favor? Make sure you hide the porn and explicit emails with peeps other than your significant other really well...Unless, of course, she's down with that.

  4. Haha, porn and explicit emails? I think you think I'm a lot more rock n' roll than I am.

    But thanks Laurie :)

    btw- people are well used to me to know I'm rarely smart in public haha

  5. Finally-- a law degree in the hands of a thoughtful, intelligent, compassionate and critically-thinking individual.

    And one who looks dead smart in wizard robes.

    Conor the Solicitor. Excellent.

  6. NV... God I hate that place, it's a dive and the dancefloor is like a pit of doom.

    Also, have you seen the people in there?! I know - you're obviously one of them. And I am too sometimes. But seriously, not if I can help it!

    Congratulations on the degree!

  7. Envy? (or is it NV?)

    Yeah, it was pretty crap. I was literally only there to see some of the people from uni. It was mad, the only times I've ever been in there, I've seen an inordinate amount of 15 yr olds too. Such a shit place.

    Eooh moy god roysh, it's also the biggest D4 crapshack about too!
